Can We Change Workplace Culture?
Can we really change the culture of our workplace? Do we even care enough to want to? Is it our job? Changing the culture of an...

Information You Can Get from a Food Label
Do you know what is in the food you eat? Would your mother or grandmother recognize it as food? Reading the ingredients is a great...

Clear Out “Hidden” Clutter This Fall
Are you as clutter-free as you think you are? This sneaky stuff sometimes hides under my radar. Is it hiding under your radar too? These...

Renovate Your Focus
We’ve all heard it said – ‘what you focus on is what happens in your life.’ And yet how many of us REALLY pay attention to what we’re...

A Great Breakfast for Back to School.
When spending time in my kid’s schools, some of the challenges that children and teachers face are obvious: bodies that can’t sit still,...

Win the Bathroom Battle—Soap Scum, Mirror Smears, & Clutter
If bathrooms could have poor health, they would probably have about a dozen diseases all at once. Soap scum, mirror smears, dusty...

Business is ALL About the Little Things
It’s NOT the big things we do in business that matter – it’s the little things. The things we do day in and day out matter most over...

Turning Human Capital Back Into Human Beings
The challenges for working families are very real. According to President Obama, speaking at the White House Summit on Working...

Is sitting the new smoking? Does your desk job put your health at risk?
“Sitting Is The New Smoking” was the headline in many articles run this winter. Does that get your attention? It certainly got mine and I...

5 Ways to Declutter Your Life
1) ORGANIZE THE ROOM YOU LIVE IN Aside from the fact that many of us hang out in the kitchen and dump our stuff there, what other room do...