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21 Ways to Make 2016 Your #BestYear

Maintain a GOOD ATTITUDE. No matter what 2016 brings your way – a good attitude will help you through it.

Let go of expectations. When we expect things to happen or people to behave a certain way – we set ourselves up for disappointment and frustration. Stop expecting other people to be as dedicated to your plans and ideas as you are.

Give up the ‘story’. We all tell ourselves stories. Some of these stories have some truth to them and others are just created out of fear or insecurities. This year is a good time to give up the ‘story’. If you want to know if something is true – ASK.

Take risks, live boldly. Start small. Every small risk or bold action develops our risk tolerance. Do something a little bit scary every day and then work up to bigger things.

Don’t force it. Move forward, take action, but don’t force anything. All that needs to ‘be’ will fall into place! [I loved this one and am going to practice this]

Practice acceptance. May be things aren’t the way you think they should be but they ARE what they are. Acceptance allows us to be present – to not miss out on the moments. Life isn’t perfect but it can be pretty amazing when we live right in the middle of it.

Take care of yourself. Make room in your schedule self care. Take time for mental breaks and movement every day. Maintain a healthy lifestyle [i.e: exercise regularly and eat healthy].

Get involved in community and social events. Take time to nurture yourself and your dreams.

Practice saying no WITHOUT guilt. And refrain from making up elaborate excuses when you do say no.

Move on with happiness. Leave negativity behind. ***This is one we can ALL benefit from. Have a positive attitude and keep moving forward.

GIVE. Be generous. Help others in need.

SET GOALS. Have written goals and plaster them where you will see them every day. Track your progress and ask for help in achieving them.

Focus on being GRATEFUL. When we’re grateful we won’t miss the very things that are in front of us. Take a little time every day to write down what you’re grateful for.

Let GO OF BUSY. Live the day to the fullest, maybe not the busiest!

Choose YOUR PEEPS carefully. Be with people who empower. Let go of people who bring you down or try to destroy you!

Get INSPIRED. Find the inspiration and empowerment you need to reach your goals. Stop putting up your own roadblocks. Let go of those who don’t encourage your success!

GROW or start a business. Take up a new hobby. Do something creative.

PLAY. Focus on working less and enjoying life more.

De-clutter. Give away things you no longer need. Stop buying stuff. Practice simplicity.

Maintain a clean space. Spend 15 minutes picking up before bed every night or 10 minutes before leaving the office to make sure you start each day with a clean space.

PRAY. Mediate. Grow is your spiritual life.

Regain your focus. Take deliberate time to recharge and re-chart your course. It’s easy to get off track – often all we need is some alone time to process where we are and where we want to go. When we get clear about our direction – the focus will come back.

Obviously you won’t do all these things – many of things these may not even be important to you. BUT some will be. CHOOSE 2 or 3 of these things that you WILL DO this year and find someone to hold you accountable for making 2016 your #bestyear.


Michelle Neujahr provides high-energy, dynamic presentations guaranteed to reinvigorate your organization and revive your people. With more than two decade of experience as a motivational speaker, Michelle has given over 2,000 presentations to audiences across the country. As an expert in Business Renovation, Michelle’s programs are designed to challenge organizations and individuals to renovate what they have in order to achieve greater results. Companies hire Michelle to entertain, educate and motivate while creating a positive, energetic tone for your conference or event. Visit Michelle's website.

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Lifebalance Solutions is a program offered by Career/Life Alliance Services, Inc., a company dedicated to the development and integration of workplace transformation hybrid work solutions. We provide a thorough assessment of place and culture, solution recommendations, plan development, and coaching, to help organizations succeed in a phygital workplace. . We have served the organizations since 1987.


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