Navigating the Holidays
The holidays can be a particularly challenging time to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You may have seen reports of an average 5 lb. weight gain during the holidays. Reported weight gain tends to be exaggerated. But wouldn’t you rather go into 2013 at least maintaining your weight? Here are some tips on ways to navigate the holidays. Make it a health and joyous holiday!
Do only what you love or what you love to do.
Remember your goals and be realistic.
Eat regularly. Don’t skip meals to prepare for a gathering.
Cut back on television/computer time.
Move, move, move.
Plan meals, make your life easier. Make extra for “leftovers” if desirable.
Before going to a party think about:
Where you are going?
What food options will be available?
Who will you talk to instead of focusing on the food?
What foods are your favorites and which will you avoid?
What are your personal triggers to overeating?
When at a party things to consider:
Check out the buffet first so you have a plan for what you will take.
Be cautious of sugary foods.
Eat appropriate portion sizes – use your hand as a guide.
Enjoy the event, not just the food.
Eat only what you love and what you don’t eat other times of the year.
Pay attention to your hunger.
Choose beverages wisely.
Slow down.
Leave what you don’t want.
Don’t stand by the food table or in the kitchen.
Hold your drink in your dominant hand so it is more difficult to nibble.
Take just 1 trip to the buffet table.
Take only half portions when you take the first serving.
Politely refuse extra food.
Be assertive. Practice saying “no, thank you” before you go.
Lynda Binius Enright, MS, RDN, LD, CLT
Be Well Nutritional Consulting